Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

    2011's Resolution - Bye Bye 2010

    It's about 11 hours until New Year! I'm so excited. I've always had a new chemistry on the New Year eve. 31st of December is the best day for us, to ponder the things that we've done wrong during 2010. We have to leave them all, don't get back, and face the new thing, new life in 2011. 

    Why does 2010 go so fast? Don't know why, but according to myself, 2010 is the fastest year in my life. Is it because of the school work as well as exams? I've been to focus on studying. Stress, desperate, and pain were filling on my mind in 2010. I've met sadness as well as happiness. All I wish is just a better life, a better year, hope, and luck in 2011. 

    And yes, talking about 2011. We always associate "new year" with the new things. For example : new life, new behavior, or even new clothes as well as dresses. Let's say that people always regard all things as the new things in 2011. They start their new lives, and be better. And, we also know about resolution. Actually, what most people do during new year, is to make a resolution. So, have you ever made a resolution? Honestly, I haven't. I'm trying to make it, but it's hard due to the fact that I'm not a kind of person who always follow the rules, even they're made by myself. But, no... I'm not a kind of person who likes to disobey them too! I'm quite discipline, too much following the rules isn't good for us. Okay, I'm not trying to tell you about rules. It's just an intermezzo. (eh?) :D

    Alright. So, we had a lot of experiences in 2010, and let us make 2011 into a  cool year. Just leave all the bad things that had happened to ourselves in 2010. Remember, the Merapi as well as tsunami accidents on Yogyakarta and Wasior, Indonesia. Tears were everywhere, as if Indonesia were crying. But thanks to ourselves who always pray for Indonesia. We're gonna believe in ourselves, that we can be better, and better. Like the quote according to the Barbie as the Island Princess  : "Chances for tomorrow, learn from yesterday." May all the good things happened in 2011. 

    Happy New Year, Guys. God Bless You all! :D

    Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

    Celebrity Look Alike!

    Alright! I just watched "Zoom" movie last night, and I found the girl who had the same name with me, "Cindy Collins". I'm Cindy! I just got interested in that girl due to the fact that she was so cute and I really loved her. So, I searched on Google about her, and what I saw was, a girl with pretty face. Yeah! I thought she's such a pretty girl. Her face was like a 14 or 15 year - old girl, but actually, she was 12! And, what came up on my mind was, she looked like Dianna Agron, on Glee! Look at her lips, her eyes, the shape of her face, totally look like Dianna.

    Ryan Newman

    Diana Agron

    Well, I don't know what you guys think? I think they're kinda look alike. What about this one, Ariana Grande and Ashley Tisdale?

    Ariana Grande, from Victorious


    Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

    Apa Komentar Indonesia??? SM*SH - I Heart You

    Alright. Indonesia, terutama bagi kalian remaja yang hobbynya browsing YouTube , pasti sudah nggak asing lagi dengan Boy Band Sm*sh yang baru-baru ini muncul, dengan lagu mereka yang berjudul : I Heart You. Okay, saya sudah tahu pro dan kontra yang muncul di kalangan masyarakat. Ada yang mendukung band tersebut, tetapi ada juga yang tidak mendukung. Tetapi tidak apa - apa. Masyarakat di Indonesia ini bersifat majemuk, dan kita semua mempunyai hak untuk mengeluarkan pendapat kita masing-masing. Siapa yang bisa menyalahkan pendapat? Tidak boleh ada satu orang pun yang menyalahkan pendapat orang lain, bukan begitu?

    Saya baru tahu band tersebut sejak 2 - 3 hari yang lalu. Saat itu saya diberitahukan oleh saudara saya mengenai band tersebut, lalu saya pun segera melihat MV nya di YouTube. Memang, saya kaget. Dan pasti Anda semua juga mengalami reaksi yang dialami seperti saya saat itu. Kaget karena apa? Karena konsepnya mirip dengan Boy Band Korea yang terkenal, Super Junior. Konsep background berwarna hitam dan putih, rambut yang dicat, busana yang mereka kenakan itu mirip (bukan sama persis) dengan Boy Band, Super Junior. Tetapi saya sudah bisa membaca dan melihat bahwa konsep mereka memang mirip dengan boy band tersebut. 

    Ya... Ada yang berpendapat bahwa mereka adalah "plagiat", karena intro lagu pertama pun mirip seperti lagu Justin Bieber, "Baby". Tetapi saya tidak akan membesar-besarkan masalah lagu apa yang diplagiat, model bajunya, dan apa lah. Saya yakin para pembaca jauh lebih tahu dari saya, karena saya sendiri tidak begitu menyukai Boy Band asal Korea. Saya pun tahu dari saudara saya yang menyukai Boy Band Super Junior. 

    Permasalahannya, testimonials dan comments yang ditulis oleh para masyarakat. Oke lah, jujur saya memang kurang begitu suka dengan konsep mereka. Mereka mungkin sangat menjadikan Super Junior sebagai inspirasi, tetapi setidaknya kita harus mengambil ide-ide yang ada dari inspirator kita, lalu mengembangkannya dengan otak kita sendiri. Ya, itu pasti bisa dilakukan oleh semua orang. Karena apa? Otak kita pasti bekerja dengan sendirinya. Kita semua mempunyai kemampuan untuk berimajinasi. Nah, pikir logisnya saja ya. Mereka membuat MV seperti itu, artinya mereka telah menulis lagunya, mencari chord yang sesuai, membeli (mungkin membuat) kostumnya, dan membuat serta mempelajari koreografinya. Setidaknya mereka harus mengusahakan agar mereka terlihat kompak saat menari. Mereka telah memanfaatkan waktu mereka untuk mempelajari koreografi dan rekaman, tetapi sakit hati nggak sih kalau misalkan masyarakat Indonesia menilai dengan kata - kata "mutiara" ? Kita bisa hargai respect mereka yang lapang dada. Ada nggak sih orang  yang mau dikatain "plagiat", nggak bakal ada kan? Adanya orang itu pasti langsung marah-marah dan berusaha membela dirinya masing-masing. Lihat, sudah berapa banyak uang dikeluarkan untuk mempersiapkan MV I Heart You tersebut, tetapi melihat sikap masyarakat yang tidak begitu mendukung? Kalau saya sendiri, bisa dibilang "sakit hati". :D

    Saya akui mereka bisa dibilang "kurang kreatif". Saya sendiri tidak begitu suka dengan mereka yang suka menjiplak Boy Band Korea. Sikap saya netral, saya tidak membela mereka, dan saya juga tidak membela masyarakat. Saya tidak begitu suka menghiperbolakan suatu hal, istilah gaulnya : Jadi Kompor. Nah, permasalahannya, banyak yang berkata bahwa orang Indonesia kurang inspirasi. Bisanya menjiplak. Nah, kenapa orang di luar negeri, kita ambil contoh Amerika : Remaja berusia 14 tahun sudah bisa menciptakan lagu yang luar biasa indahnya? Banyak yang comment seperti itu. Nah, bagaimana caranya agar para pecinta musik di Indonesia, bisa membuat para masyarakatnya tertarik untuk melihat dan menganggap mereka bukan plagiat? 

    Baiklah. Saya akhiri postingan saya kali ini. Tetapi sebelumnya, saya tidak bermaksud untuk menasihati. Saya hanya ingin mengeluarkan pendapat saya melalui menulis saja. I'm not trying to criticize or advise you, I'm not a professional one, and I'm just 14. No offense :D

    Oke, sampai jumpa semuanya! haha :D All d best :D See ya!

    Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

    Things We Should Care About (World AIDS's Day)

    Okay. I can't believe that it's 3rd December already. We have passed November. Some people had celebrated the Thanks Giving Day, and we had the Harry Potter on 19th of November. And now, we didn't realize that time goes by so fast. We will be having Christmas soon, and with or without even realizing it, New Year will be coming. I think 2010 had just come, but 2011 will be coming soon! 

    I'm so excited because finally, I can do blogging. I have studied for the exam and I got so tired. I slept at 12 or might be 1 a.m just for studying! It has been such a long time for me, though.

    Alright. Talking about December, I remembered the time when my school celebrated that day on the 1st December. This is the last year I study at the Junior High, and I'll be going to the Senior High on a half year later. Not only our school, but also people around the world celebrate that day. 

    So, when my sisters and I arrived at school, the teachers put the red ribbon on our vests. That little red brown is a symbol for both drug prevention and for the fight against AIDS. All of the teachers, students, securities, even the food sellers in school were ordered to put that symbol on their clothes. 

    According to Wikipedia, HIV Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).[1][2][3]opportunistic infections and tumors. HIV is transmitted through direct contact of a mucous membrane or the bloodstream with a bodily fluid containing HIV, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, preseminal fluid, and breast milk.[4][5] This transmission can involve anal, vaginal or oral sex, blood transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, exchange between mother and baby during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding This condition progressively reduces the effectiveness of the immune system and leaves individuals susceptible to or other exposure to one of the above bodily fluids.

    First of all, why do I get concerned with that day? Because, it's the time for us to realize, to open our mind. Not only prevent it, but also try to see those people who are diagnosed with AIDS. We all know that HIV is a pandemic. I do respect the people who get AIDS, but no... I don't respect all the people who underestimate people who get AIDS. We have to know that we are all humans, and all we have to do to help, is to motivate them. Usually people who underestimate them, are the people who can't understand about others' feelings. Okay, let's say that what will it be, when you become like them? Will you get hurt? And yes, you will.

    Over 90 million people in the world are died by AIDS. I know what they feel, and I bet every person doesn't want to get that virus. Don't ignore them. All we have to do is to respect and love them, cause they are all want to be respected. They are also human. You don't have to differentiate them with others, cause there ISN'T any difference.
    No more yelling, no more people dying. Stay aware and yes, together, we can make a difference.

    Jumat, 19 November 2010

    The Best Way to Help us Study : Music

    Everybody has their own favorite subject. Some students love Mathematics, but other students might be very afraid when they hear the word "Math". Some students like to solve the hard questions, but some students might not. There is a lot of difference in this vast world, due to the fact that everybody is different, right?

    Just thinking, "What about music?"
    Who doesn't love music. All of the people love hearing music. They sing all the time, they hear the music to make them relaxed, and they clap their hands to make music. Just imagine, what would this world be WITHOUT music? Answer : LOUSY!  People will feel stressed and depressed without music.

    In this world, there is just : People who loves music, and people who EXTREMELY loves it. The people who extremely loves music are people who always hear the music while doing every activity. They will feel very calm and peace in their heart. They will dance, sing, or even cry. Even though they are just keep quiet ,people who loves music will dance, sing, or even cry! They might not let people know how happy they are while listening into music. So, are you those kind of persons?

    How about History lesson? Some students might hate that subject due to the fact that they don't have an ability to memorize. But, there are a lot of students who can easily memorize songs' lyrics. They will memorize all of the lyrics fast, just by listening to the music, maybe.

    So, the best way to help the students with those kind of problems is to make a song from the lessons you wanna study. For you who have an ability to write songs, you can do it. Of course, you can easily remember your song's lyrics and the LESSON you want to study. :)

    Just thought the best way to solve students' studying problem. Don't know if it works or not, because actually I haven't tried. I'm not so good at writing songs, even I'm crazy about it. But I believe that you Guys can do MUCH BETTER than me. Try it!

    Hope it helps :D

    Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010


    Thinking about my favorite country, well actually I love all of the countries in this world because every country is special. They have their own cultures as well as customs. And, if I am being asked by someone about my favorite country, I'd choose Bei Jing, which is located in China. Besides, I love California too, especially Los Angeles. But, talking about "the most favorite" one, I think I'd choose Bei Jing as the country that I like most.

    I haven't been to Bei Jing, but I believe that someday, I will. Well, talking about Bei Jing, my mom and dad's grandparents are originally from Bei Jing. My ethnicity is Chinese, but I was born in Jakarta, Indonesia. In fact, I am an 印尼西华人yìn ní huá rén. There's a lot of Chinese people who were born in Indonesia. That's why, I can speak Chinese, but I'm not really good at it. I am just trying to learn and improve my Chinese skill so as to speak Chinese language fluently.

    According to some articles that I have read, Bei Jing is the sixth ancient cities in China which has been the heart and soul of politics and society throughout its long history and consequently. There is an unparalleled wealth of discovery to delight and intrigue travelers as they explore Beijing's ancient past and exciting modern development. Now it has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, with about 140 million Chinese tourists and 4.4 million international visitors in a year. It's located in northern China, close to the port city of Tianjin and partially surrounded by Hebei Province. 
    Anyway, I really love Chinese history due to the fact that they're so unique. China has their own traditions as well as customs. Those things always attract people to visit China. Besides, China also has a lot of great tourist attractions too! 

    Tian An Men - Forbidden City

     I bet the view will be very spectacular if we look it from the Great Wall

      And I'm so glad because Bei Jing has numerous twin towns and sister cities around the world, for example - with Jakarta, Indonesia in 1992. 

    About the cuisine, I do love eating Chinese cuisine, especially Dim Sum. I'm crazy about Dim Sum. Without exaggerating, I will always feel kinda glad and happy feeling while eating Dim Sum. I also love drinking tea because I know that it will make me feel warm as well as relax. And I know every Chinese person always drinks tea. 


    And, I bet this "newest" Karate Kid movie have impressed a lot of people who have watched that movie.  I love that movie and the way Jackie Chan taught Kung Fu. Besides, the view was so spectacular, and I bet everybody will be impressed with the amazing view of Bei Jing.
    I especially love this movie. I was trembling while watching the part when Dre (Jaden Smith) and Cheng (Zhen Wei) were fighting. Two thumbs up for Harald Zwart! I used to learn Karate when I was 11. I didn't continue learning it, but if I have a chance to learn it, I will take the chance. The kids are so great at Kung Fu, especially Zhen Wei!!! haha :D

    I used to open Omegle site and met a lot of Chinese people. I made friends with them, and I'm happy. They are all kind (without exaggerating).  We know this world consists of lots of people and as long as I'm living, making a lot of friends and socialize with everyone are my missions! :D

    我真的很喜欢中国. Well, 再见!!!

    Senin, 13 September 2010

    Making Friends

    Well, you know this world consist of different customs and traditions. We have been meeting a lot of friends in our lives. I've been making friends and I really love all of my friends. We can talk freely to them and do the things we love together. That's why I really love making friends. 

    I love making friends and I want to make a lot of friends in my life. I love talking with a lot of different persons around the world. So, it will be a super cool moment if you guys want to make friends with me, or know each other. I will post all of my new friends on my blog so that we can know each other and have a good relationship well. Soon, you will know how precious friendship is. Just send your e-mail or all about yourself to : swellandstalwart@gmail.com . Let's start making friends!

    Minggu, 12 September 2010

    Puncak, West Java

    September, 9th 2010 - 11st 2010.
    Thursday - Saturday

    My family and I love going to Puncak which is located in the West Java. We prefer playing there to relaxing in the beach, even though we can enjoy the ocean wave and the bright sun. We stay at the Lembah Hijau Hotel, Ciloto Puncak.

    I Love capturing these photos :

    I recommend you to visit this place because the view was totally spectacular. I was totally losing my heart into that place. This place made me relaxed and refreshed. You won't regret after visiting this place.

    What are the facilities of Lembah Hijau Hotel?
    Of course, the view. It's so spectacular and amazing. The facilities are cool and that's why, it's a great place for children to play. The best place for family to have a recreation together. Also, there's some meeting rooms, indoor pool, playground, as well as lake to do fishing.

    What things that make you really love that place? 
     I always like watching the mountain view because it's so fantastic and relaxing. The panorama at that hotel is extremely great. I like capturing the mountain view. 

    What are the best moments?
    I loved the time when I played badminton with my family. It's such a great moment that I always remember it. I also like the time when I ate hot noodles with my sisters during the rain.

    I'd like to play at the playground after having breakfast with my sisters.
     I feel that God was really great. He can make such great places and views which can be enjoyed by humans as well as animals. We must love plants due to the fact that they give refreshing weather for us. 

    If you want to find a great place to stay in, I recommend this place to you.
    Lembah Hijau Hotel. You can check it out on http://www.hotel-lembah-hijau.co.id.

    Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

    I used to be Game's Slave

    Ya, sebagai seorang siswa pasti saya cenderung sekali bermain game. Apalagi, saya adalah seorang siswi yang bisa dibilang seorang penggila game. Saya sangat menyukai game dan bagi saya, game adalah salah satu cara untuk menghilangkan penat yang ada. I can relax myself and have some fun because of games, that's why I really like games. Tetapi, saya bukanlah satu-satunya siswi yang menyukai game, atau bisa dibilang penggila game. Banyak sekali anak-anak yang menyukai game, bahkan orang dewasa pun menyukai game. Mereka bisa bermain hingga berjam-jam lamanya dan menghabiskan waktu, atau bahkan mendedikasikan seluruh kehidupannya hanya untuk game! Everybody loves game, and I bet all of you love playing them too, don't you?

    Ketika banyak sekali guru-guru di sekolah saya yang menasihati saya serta teman-teman saya yang lain untuk mengurangi jatah bermain game karena beberapa bulan ke depan kami akan menghadapi ujian negara, hal itu membuat saya terpikir kembali, serta merenung beberapa hal yang cukup penting. Pasti ada beberapa dari teman saya hanya menganggap apa yang dikatakan oleh guru-guru saya hanyalah angin lalu, atau mungkin mereka mendengarkan tetapi tidak melaksanakannya.

    Nah, apakah masalahnya? Saya memanglah seorang penggila game, tetapi saya sendiri bisa me manage waktu saya antara bermain dan mengerjakan tugas sekolah. Ada banyak siswa-siswi yang meskipun ada ulangan atau tugas di sekolah mereka, tetapi mereka bersih keras untuk tetap bermain game. Saya bukannya menyindir atau bersikap profesional di sini.Tujuan utama saya pun juga bukan untuk membahas masalah anak-anak yang suka bermain game, karena saya sendiri pun sangat menyukai game. Tetapi yang ingin saya ceritakan sekarang, adalah mengenai pengalaman saya. Lantas, pengalaman tentang apa?

    Guru saya pernah mengatakan :
    "Kalian boleh bermain game, tetapi jangan mau diatur oleh game. Game adalah benda mati, sedangkan kalian adalah makhluk hidup. Harusnya kalian yang mengatur game, jangan mau menjadi budak game."

    That's why I think game sometimes is such a devil for me. I do love games,  and I'm crazy about games, but you know my reason right?

    Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010

    My Experience about Sleep Paralysis

    Hi everyone! Right now I'm going to talk about sleep paralysis that I had. It's not the first time I had it. I have had sleep paralysis for about more than 3 times, and the first time happened when I was about 10/11 years old.

    It was night, for about 11 a.m or 12 p.m. (I don't know exactly) 

    I was lying on my bed. There was my elder sister beside me, and my younger sister were sleeping on the other bed which was under my bed's. I couldn't sleep. I was trying to sleep. I didn't feel comfortable at that time. I just want to open my eyes, because I still couldn't sleep even though I close my eyes. Everyone was sleeping, except me. Well, sometimes I couldn't sleep during the sleep time, but I believed that I didn't have insomnia. It's just a sleep disorder I thought.

    I had to sleep. I knew that it wouldn't be good for my health if I tried not to sleep. I wouldn't concentrate during school time on the next day. That's why, I lay my body in the supine position, trying to sleep. But suddenly, I had a dream, a very weird dream, and I thought it wasn't logical.

    My younger sister and I was walking along a dark straight road. It was so dark and there was only us there. We didn't meet any people there. There was just us - my sister and I. Suddenly, she asked me to see. I didn't know what she was asking about, but I thought that she asked me to see if there was or wasn't any ghosts. I didn't have an ability to see ghost, so I was getting extremely confused at that time. Just then, that dream was lost. And I...

    I realized that I was backed to my dream. I realized that I was lying on my bed, but there was something really annoyed and made me felt afraid. I couldn't move my body. I even couldn't move my finger! It was so hard! I felt so weak. Then, I felt that there was something who pushed me. It didn't let me go! I felt so panicked and exhausted. It seemed like I got trapped in a very small room. My face, my hands, and my leg were like bounded by a extremely strong rope. It was so hard to take a breath. 

    I prayed to God. I tried to awake, but I still couldn't. I couldn't open my eyes, and I felt so tired. Every time I tried to be strong, I felt weak, very weak. Weaknesses took all of my energy. I got ready to wake my self up. I counted 1 until 3, and I tried to move my body! It didn't work and really wasted my energy and I felt totally limp. I tried it again, but it still didn't work. Being pushed like that, it made me feel so weak and desperated. I didn't know what I should do.

    I got cold sweat. But suddenly, I realized something. I had to strengthen my heart, not my body. Because every time I strengthen my body, it would make me weak. I tried to believe in myself and felt confident. I prepared myself, and counted 1 until 3. I moved my body hardly. And suddenly, I thanked to God because I awake. But I still felt weak and didn't believe what had happened. I was lying on my bed, but I still didn't want to move my body. I felt a little bit shocked and afraid. But suddenly I tried to move it. I felt so thirsty, so I decided to take a glass of water. I didn't want to sleep at that time, but stayed up all night would disturb my school activites. So, I decided to go to my parents' bedroom and slept there.

    Until now, researchers still can't explain what things that causes sleep paralysis. Is it because of evil or just a scientific problem. Because some people sometimes hear footsteps and see evils,  but I wasn't. Some people felt lucky and happy while having sleep paralysis because lead to astral projection or out of body experiences.  I'll see you Guys later :D

    Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

    Happy Independence Day, Indonesia!

    Happy Independence Day, Indonesia! I love the place where I born and grew up in...

    17 Agustus 2010 dirayakan dengan cara yang sedikit berbeda dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Untuk kali ini, para siswa-siswi harus melaksanakan upacara, tidak seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya - pada saat 17 Agustus, para siswa-siswi tidak sekolah dalam arti libur di rumah. Mereka pun banyak yang pergi berekreasi seperti ke Puncak ataupun Bandung, dan tempat-tempat rekreasi lainnya, apalagi bila Hari Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia bertepatan pada hari Jumat.

    Saya rasa kegiatan yang telah ditetapkan sangatlah berguna, karena dengan begitu, jiwa nasionalis para generasi muda akan terus tumbuh. Mungkin banyak remaja yang merasa malas untuk mengikuti upacara, termasuk saya, tetapi setelah saya pikirkan apa yang telah saya dan teman-teman saya laksanakan memanglah suatu kewajiban dan tanggung jawab saya sebagai warga negara Indonesia. Indonesia adalah tempat di mana saya dilahirkan dan dibesarkan, jadi saya harus mengenang jasa para pahlawan dan mengabadikan moment tersebut pada saat upacara.

    Pada saat bendera sedang akan dikibarkan, pembina upacara saya yang tak lain adalah guru SMA (saya lupa namanya karena saya adalah siswi SMP), memberikan amanat kepada siswa-siswi betapa kerasnya perjuangan para pejuang saat peristiwa kemerdekaan. Saat itu, setiap pilihan selalu membuahkan resiko. Oleh sebab itu, para pejuang pun harus memilih pilihan yang sangat tepat dan mereka harus cermat. Mereka tidak boleh berpikir asal, tetapi harus berpikir secara matang. Mungkin saya hanyalah seorang siswi SMP dan bukanlah anggota nasionalis. Saya pun juga sering mendengar suasana-suasana saat kemerdekaan - suasana yang menyeramkan, maupun suasana yang membahagiakan. Terpikir di benak saya, oh, begitu! Hanya seperti itu saja. Saya bisa membayangkan betapa sakitnya para pejuang yang harus terkena tembakan, maupun banyak darah tak berdosa yang bercucuran, serta sakitnya batin yang harus kehilangan orang-orang terkasih. Saya pun membayangkan hal tersebut, tetapi... Terkadang, apa yang terjadi bisa saja jauh lebih buruk dari pada yang dibayangkan, meskipun bisa saja apa yang dibayangkan lebih buruk dari pada apa yang akan terjadi. Pembina upacara mengatakan, hormat kepada Bendera Merah - Putih! Ya... Hanya hormat, apa susahnya? Tetapi, ada banyak sekali sejarah yang diabadikan pada bendera merah putih itu.

    Bendera merah putih mengandung arti yang sangat bermakna, serta sejarah yang panjang. Bendera tersebut jugalah merupakan salah satu bukti sejarah dan cucuran keringat para pejuang. Dan sekarang, 65 tahun terlah berlalu. Indonesia pun telah merdeka selama 65 tahun dan terbebas dari jajahan.  Bahkan sekarang, Indonesia telah dikategorikan sebagai negara berkembang, meskipun belum sangat pesat perkembangannya, serta masih saja ada masalah-masalah yang melanda Indonesia, seperti : kemiskinan, korupsi, sampah, dan lainnya, tetapi saya percaya bahwa Indonesia akan terus maju, dan saya bangga menjadi warga negara Indonesia dengan berbagai keunikan dan budaya, serta tradisi yang membedakan Indonesia dengan negara lainnya. Maju terus Indonesia, negera kepulauan terbesar di dunia! 

    Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia!

    And I love Indonesia...

    Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

    Broken Hearted Poem

    You used to say that I was an angel
    You used to say that I was the princess
    You used to say that I was the perfect one

    You held my hands every time
    This hair you touched all the time
    11 p.m the time we had a phone call

    But now you're gone, leaving me alone
    Do you know how much  love you
    But it's all over now

    3 months you've been with her
    You hold her hands 
    Like the way you did to me
    You say all the romantic words to her
    And leave me alone
    In this dark way, hopeless, and desperate
    And I promise...
    I won't love you forever...

    - Cindy...

    About Sleep Paralysis

    Alright, Guys. I think some of you might know about sleep paralysis, but some of you might not know about it. So, I'm going to talk about what sleep paralysis is.

    What is Sleep Paralysis?
    According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_paralysis , Sleep Paralysis is paralysis associated with sleep that may occur in normal subjects or be associated with narcolepsy, cataplexy, and hypnagogic hallucinations. The pathsophysiology of this condition is closely related to the normal hypotonia that occur during REM sleep. When considered to be a disease, isolated sleep paralysis is classified as MeSH D020188.[2] Some evidence suggests that it can also, in some cases, be a symptom of migraine.

    What are the possible causes?
    Many people who commonly enter sleep paralysis also suffer from narcolepsy. In African Americans, panic disorder occurs with sleep paralysis more frequently than in Caucasians.[12] Some reports read that various factors increase the likelihood of both paralysis and hallucinations. These include:

    1. Sleeping in a face upwards or supine position.
    2. Irregular sleeping schedules; naps, sleeping in, sleep deprivation.
    3. Increased stress.
    4. Sudden environmental/lifestyle changes.
    5. A lucid dream that immediately precedes the episode.
    6. Excessive consumption of alcohol coupled with lack of adequate sleep.

    The Treatment?
    Treatment starts with patient education about sleep stages and about the muscle atonia that is typically associated with REM sleep. For most healthy individuals, avoiding chronic sleep deprivation is enough to relieve symptoms. It is recommended that patients be evaluated for narcolepsy if symptoms persist.

    Related Phenomena?
    Many perceptions associated with sleep paralysis (visceral buzzing, loud sounds, adrenal mental state, presences, and the paralysis itself) also constitute a common phase in the early progression of episodes referred to as out of body experiences. Mental focus varies between the two conditions; paralysis sufferers tend to fixate on reestablishing operation of the body, whereas subjects of out-of-body episodes are more occupied by perceived non-equivalence with the body.

    I Love Fantasy

    I absolutely love imagination and I'm a kind of person who always use my imagination in my life. I love imagine something, and definitely.. I love fantasy! I really love reading Fantasy Story, actually I prefer watching to reading it, such as Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. I think J.K. Rowling and Rick Riordan are so great. They could make such beautiful fantasy stories that's so adventuring and extremely awesome! Their imagination were so great and I loved the way they made those kind of fantasy stories! I'm crazy about writing stories too, and I hope I can be a great fantasy author one day! Extremely love fantasy! All fantasy authors are great I think due to the fact that they can make a lot of fantasy creatures such as mermaids, pegasuses, unicorns, and the other creatures

    If you are interested in writing story, especially writing fantasy stories, it would be great if you keep practicing your writing. You can write wherever, whenever, and what would you like to write. Just use your imagination and keep working hard. :)

    Goal Reached

    If you want to reach something that you wanna reach, you must try to reach it, no matter if it's hard or easy, you just want to reach it and wish that you could reach your dream, because you wanna reach something that's really important for yourself.

    After you success in reaching your dream or what you want, I bet you will feel extremely happy and proud of yourself, isn't it? You must feel so happy and confident, believe in yourself because you have done the best for yourself.

    I'm proud of myself because I have done the best and shown my best especially to my mother. She had picked me up during the examination and I just felt so sorry if I couldn't make her proud, I couldn't make her happy. Every child's dream is to make their parents happy, I bet all of you who read this especially if you are children will agree with me. You guys want to make your parents happy , aren't you? The biggest dream of a child is to make his/her parents happy, I think. 

    Finally, I'm so excited. I wasn't really focus on my studying before, definitely when I was studied for my examination. But, I really thanked to God because He have lead me during the examination, and I know He will always lead me forever. I can make my parents proud. I have given the best gift (for her). I graduated from the eighth grade and got rank 2 in my class. That makes me become a confidant and... I absolutely proud of myself.

    "You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don't do too many things wrong." - Warren
    "You will find the key to success under the alarm clock. " - Benjamin Franklin
    So, Guys... Do the best for your parents and yourself, of course. Because the best about you, will make your parents feel so proud of yourself. I believe that you can make your parents feel glad and do the best for yourself!

    Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010


    "If you don't believe in yourself, you will feel the worst thing in your life..."

    I always hate the time when I don't believe in myself. Just now when I was in my English course, I wanted to answer a question, but I didn't think that my answer was correct. I knew that I had to believe in myself, but I just got the influence - I didn't know where it came from... So, I wrote the wrong answer. You might not understand about this actually... At least, I'm speechless right now, I don't know how to tell to all of you. But... At least I just want to say to all of you, to believe in yourself... Due to the fact that I didn't believe in myself, I couldn't get the best score in my class.

    I have learnt a lot of things from these quotes below...

    "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." - Buddha

    "It is always better to have no ideas than false ones; to believe nothing, than to believe what is wrong." - Thomas Jefferson

    "The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just."  - Abraham Lincoln

    "I do not believe in the God of theology who rewards good and punishes evil." - Albert Einstein

    "So, just believe in yourself, and be confident. Start from right now, I will always be confident and believe in myself. Tadda!"


    So, what do you think about "Freedom". Everyone loves freedom, because freedom is needed by everyone. I'm so happy because I feel that "Free". I have finished my examination, and now I'm feeling so free... I remembered when I studied until midnight, and woke up on 5.30 a.m... Haha, but now it's all over!

    I think Freedom is something that is really needed by everyone. Everybody needs freedom. Freedom is something that can make a change. Freedom is the greatest time to find inspirations. Freedom is the greatest chance for humans to have some fun and lose control! I love freedom...

    Talking about "Freedom", actually I realize that freedom is really hard to get. Freedom is really priceless, I think. We can only get it after having a suffer. For example, I can feel "this" feeling after studying for the test. Every country can get a freedom by struggling and fighting for their countries. All of the soldiers were trying to be the winner when the World War II, remember that?

    Everybody expresses Freedom by raising their hands and saying "We are free! We are free from suffer, we are free from everything that is suffering, we have reached what we wanna have, A FREEDOM!"

    Mother's Day Around the World

    So, what do you think about Mother's Day? Do you think that it's important? I think Mother's Day is really important because it's the time to tell our feeling about how we love her. The greatest position that every woman wants is to be a mother in their life. I regard Mother's Day as a very special, but sometimes I scared to say I love You to my Mom, and I feel that I'm really shy. 

    "For my greatest hero, for my wonderful banker, for my professional chef and doctor, for a part of my life, for the most beautiful woman in my mind, and for my everything... I just want to say I ♥ you. Now, say it to your Mom! Happy Mother's Day around the world... :)"

    ~ My mom is my greatest hero for me because she always takes care of me with her love. I really appreciate what she has done with me.

    ~ My mom is my wonderful banker because she always gives me money whenever I need them. As a child, I'm poor because actually, everything belongs to my Mom. My uniform, my clothes, my shoes, and all of my things. They're brought by my Mom and Dad's money.

    ~ My mom is my professional chef because she never feels tired to cook for me. And she is a good cooker! She is good at cooking and everybody loves the way she cook (because she cooks so fast), and the food that she makes are really great! Taste, yummy! My mom is a good doctor too because she never feels tired to take care of me when I'm sick, and I love her!

    ~ My mom is a part of my life that is really hard to be separated, my mom is the most beautiful woman in my mind, and my mom is my everything. 

    Mom, If I hurt your feelings, you will always forgive me. You give me punishments that make me become a good child. You always take care of me, you work for me. You are a good entertainer and you always make me smile with your jokes. You are the one who always support me so that I can reach my dream. You always help me when I've got a problem. You are my shelter, you always defend me. 

    I know you will feel really hurt when I hurt your feelings. I know if I killed myself and let the doctor took my kidney, my lungs, liver, and all parts of my body, it wouldn't cure your feelings. You don't want anything for me, you don't want my money to cure your feelings, but you just want my apology. And when I say I'm sorry to you, you will be very happy and it will cure your feelings.

    I just don't know how to say thank you to you. You are the best for me! I love you so much, Mom...

    Happy Mother's Day everyone :D

    Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

    My Favorites...

    Hi, Everyone! Now, I'm going to tell you about my favorites things. The things that I like and they're all dedicated to me...

    Q : Start from the simple one. What is your favorite food?
    A : I like every food but I really like Chinese food, steak, and grilled. They are really delicious to be eaten. I'm crazy about chicken noodle, or soups. Like them a lot!

    Q : Now, what is your favorite drink?
    A : I really like cappuccino/chocolate milk shake, tea, coffee, and mineral water.

    Q : What is your favorite movie?
    A : I like adventurous and fantasy movie like Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. I also like Barbie movies because I love the effects and the fantasy stories! Action movie is not bad too.

    Q : What is your favorite day?
    A : I like Saturday Night. I'm a Night person.

    Q : What is your favorite band / celebrity?
    A : I like Jonas Brothers' songs because they are awesome! I also like Demi, Selena, and Brie Larson because they are great and talented!

    Q : What site do you often open?
    A : Now is Blogspot.

    Q : Do you like Twilight?
    A : I don't think so. :)

    Q : Do you like making story? What kind of story is it?
    A : A lot. I like making adventurous and fantasy story! :)

    Q : What favorite music do you like?
    A : I like upbeat, electro rock, and pop musics.
    Q : Which one  do you prefer, Angel or Devil?
    A : Angel, naturally...

    Q : Your favorite color?
    A : I like black, white, and blue.

    Q : Your favorite style?
    A : I like something that's comfy to wear...

    Inspirational Movie

    Hi, Bloggers! So, if I'm going to talk about my family, or even your family, what words will you say for the first time? Family is really unique. Sometimes, it can be very annoying. But sometimes, you will feel that your family is the greatest present from God. Sometimes you really love your family, but sometimes you really don't like your family. That's it!

    Actually family is the first and foremost for me. It is the greatest present from God to me. Without them, I will feel loneliness and scariness in my mind. I will never know about something that's really funny, something that's really adventurous. My mind will be filled with all sad things, or maybe I feel that it's really useless to live in this earth. I really thank God for my family : My daddy, my mommy, my sisters, my grandma, and also my friends! They are really helpful for me.

    I just watched a movie that had been released in 2003. The title of the movie is : Freaky Friday, starring : Jamie Lee Curtis, Lindsay Lohan, Mark Harmon, Harold Gould, and Chad Michael Murray. It's about an overworked woman and her 15 year - old daughter. They are not get along with each other. One day, they have a big argument in a Chinese Restaurant. And after they eat a fortune cookie, suddenly their bodies are switched in the next day. But those things make their relationship become good, and finally they have a good relationship, such as mother and daughter. Wanna see the stories! See it on Youtube. 

    Here is one of the scenes :

    Jamie Lee Curtis as Dr. Tess Coleman
     Lindsay Lohan as Anna Coleman
     Michael Murray as Jake

    The movie is really fantastic! It's funny and I really enjoy watching this movie. As one family, we need to be honest and helping every each other....

    Let's Protect Our Earth from the Global Warming Issue!

    At the Biology Lesson in my school, my friends and I learnt about the environmental management. My teacher told us that, before he was a teacher, he worked in one of the television show, as a map reader. He had many experiences when he worked as a map reader. Then, he said that we studied Biology, not only for boosting our knowledge, but also knew about something that’s related with the environment. So, he chose to be a teacher and left his previous occupation, because he wanted to share his experiences and knowledge with many children. He told about the environment which was got worse in the last few days and ordered us to protect our environment from danger. 
     Therefore, I must not be selfish and need to worry about the environmental issue in this world. The environmental issue that I most concerned about is global warming. Pollutions and carbon dioxide will affect global warming. Because of the green house effect, the earth is warming faster than 10.000 years ago! And, because of global warming, the climate will change, and there will be land degradation. As we know, people have made many presentations about global warming, spread brochures, and posters which were said: “STOP, GLOBAL WARMING!” I always hear several people said those words, but how can it stopped while there still a few people who are consider about global warming.
    So, I want all of the people not only say that we must stop global warming, but also try to stop it. Several people say that we can stop the global warming by plant trees, be a vegetarian, etc,  and I think people have already known about those. I have the better idea to decrease the global warming issue. People can make a fuel which made from biogas, such as animals’ dirt. The bacteria will make a pressure and yield electricity. The filths from that process will be used for fertilizing plants. If we make it, I think we can help them who lived in the isolated village, and it can reduce the impact of Global Warming because we have decreased the exploitation of oils and coals, and people can help this earth from global warming issue!
    Sometimes, when we tried to remind people who are littered, the people would say that we are disturbing them. .So, as a student, I started to do the simple one, I have made a presentation and tell it to my friends. I also have told all of my friends and someone that I known to recycle things such as papers. We can crush the papers using mortal and pestle, then added with water and dry them. Recycling paper will save million of trees in the world!

     So, all of you please protect this earth. Now, there are several people who create an organization, such as WWF. That organization will protect our earth from danger. So, who want be participated in our protecting programme? Let’s protecting our earth from global warming issue!

    I made the essay when I was joining the Nickelodeon Big Green Help Essay Writing Competition. It's fun!