Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

    2011's Resolution - Bye Bye 2010

    It's about 11 hours until New Year! I'm so excited. I've always had a new chemistry on the New Year eve. 31st of December is the best day for us, to ponder the things that we've done wrong during 2010. We have to leave them all, don't get back, and face the new thing, new life in 2011. 

    Why does 2010 go so fast? Don't know why, but according to myself, 2010 is the fastest year in my life. Is it because of the school work as well as exams? I've been to focus on studying. Stress, desperate, and pain were filling on my mind in 2010. I've met sadness as well as happiness. All I wish is just a better life, a better year, hope, and luck in 2011. 

    And yes, talking about 2011. We always associate "new year" with the new things. For example : new life, new behavior, or even new clothes as well as dresses. Let's say that people always regard all things as the new things in 2011. They start their new lives, and be better. And, we also know about resolution. Actually, what most people do during new year, is to make a resolution. So, have you ever made a resolution? Honestly, I haven't. I'm trying to make it, but it's hard due to the fact that I'm not a kind of person who always follow the rules, even they're made by myself. But, no... I'm not a kind of person who likes to disobey them too! I'm quite discipline, too much following the rules isn't good for us. Okay, I'm not trying to tell you about rules. It's just an intermezzo. (eh?) :D

    Alright. So, we had a lot of experiences in 2010, and let us make 2011 into a  cool year. Just leave all the bad things that had happened to ourselves in 2010. Remember, the Merapi as well as tsunami accidents on Yogyakarta and Wasior, Indonesia. Tears were everywhere, as if Indonesia were crying. But thanks to ourselves who always pray for Indonesia. We're gonna believe in ourselves, that we can be better, and better. Like the quote according to the Barbie as the Island Princess  : "Chances for tomorrow, learn from yesterday." May all the good things happened in 2011. 

    Happy New Year, Guys. God Bless You all! :D

    Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

    Celebrity Look Alike!

    Alright! I just watched "Zoom" movie last night, and I found the girl who had the same name with me, "Cindy Collins". I'm Cindy! I just got interested in that girl due to the fact that she was so cute and I really loved her. So, I searched on Google about her, and what I saw was, a girl with pretty face. Yeah! I thought she's such a pretty girl. Her face was like a 14 or 15 year - old girl, but actually, she was 12! And, what came up on my mind was, she looked like Dianna Agron, on Glee! Look at her lips, her eyes, the shape of her face, totally look like Dianna.

    Ryan Newman

    Diana Agron

    Well, I don't know what you guys think? I think they're kinda look alike. What about this one, Ariana Grande and Ashley Tisdale?

    Ariana Grande, from Victorious


    Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

    Apa Komentar Indonesia??? SM*SH - I Heart You

    Alright. Indonesia, terutama bagi kalian remaja yang hobbynya browsing YouTube , pasti sudah nggak asing lagi dengan Boy Band Sm*sh yang baru-baru ini muncul, dengan lagu mereka yang berjudul : I Heart You. Okay, saya sudah tahu pro dan kontra yang muncul di kalangan masyarakat. Ada yang mendukung band tersebut, tetapi ada juga yang tidak mendukung. Tetapi tidak apa - apa. Masyarakat di Indonesia ini bersifat majemuk, dan kita semua mempunyai hak untuk mengeluarkan pendapat kita masing-masing. Siapa yang bisa menyalahkan pendapat? Tidak boleh ada satu orang pun yang menyalahkan pendapat orang lain, bukan begitu?

    Saya baru tahu band tersebut sejak 2 - 3 hari yang lalu. Saat itu saya diberitahukan oleh saudara saya mengenai band tersebut, lalu saya pun segera melihat MV nya di YouTube. Memang, saya kaget. Dan pasti Anda semua juga mengalami reaksi yang dialami seperti saya saat itu. Kaget karena apa? Karena konsepnya mirip dengan Boy Band Korea yang terkenal, Super Junior. Konsep background berwarna hitam dan putih, rambut yang dicat, busana yang mereka kenakan itu mirip (bukan sama persis) dengan Boy Band, Super Junior. Tetapi saya sudah bisa membaca dan melihat bahwa konsep mereka memang mirip dengan boy band tersebut. 

    Ya... Ada yang berpendapat bahwa mereka adalah "plagiat", karena intro lagu pertama pun mirip seperti lagu Justin Bieber, "Baby". Tetapi saya tidak akan membesar-besarkan masalah lagu apa yang diplagiat, model bajunya, dan apa lah. Saya yakin para pembaca jauh lebih tahu dari saya, karena saya sendiri tidak begitu menyukai Boy Band asal Korea. Saya pun tahu dari saudara saya yang menyukai Boy Band Super Junior. 

    Permasalahannya, testimonials dan comments yang ditulis oleh para masyarakat. Oke lah, jujur saya memang kurang begitu suka dengan konsep mereka. Mereka mungkin sangat menjadikan Super Junior sebagai inspirasi, tetapi setidaknya kita harus mengambil ide-ide yang ada dari inspirator kita, lalu mengembangkannya dengan otak kita sendiri. Ya, itu pasti bisa dilakukan oleh semua orang. Karena apa? Otak kita pasti bekerja dengan sendirinya. Kita semua mempunyai kemampuan untuk berimajinasi. Nah, pikir logisnya saja ya. Mereka membuat MV seperti itu, artinya mereka telah menulis lagunya, mencari chord yang sesuai, membeli (mungkin membuat) kostumnya, dan membuat serta mempelajari koreografinya. Setidaknya mereka harus mengusahakan agar mereka terlihat kompak saat menari. Mereka telah memanfaatkan waktu mereka untuk mempelajari koreografi dan rekaman, tetapi sakit hati nggak sih kalau misalkan masyarakat Indonesia menilai dengan kata - kata "mutiara" ? Kita bisa hargai respect mereka yang lapang dada. Ada nggak sih orang  yang mau dikatain "plagiat", nggak bakal ada kan? Adanya orang itu pasti langsung marah-marah dan berusaha membela dirinya masing-masing. Lihat, sudah berapa banyak uang dikeluarkan untuk mempersiapkan MV I Heart You tersebut, tetapi melihat sikap masyarakat yang tidak begitu mendukung? Kalau saya sendiri, bisa dibilang "sakit hati". :D

    Saya akui mereka bisa dibilang "kurang kreatif". Saya sendiri tidak begitu suka dengan mereka yang suka menjiplak Boy Band Korea. Sikap saya netral, saya tidak membela mereka, dan saya juga tidak membela masyarakat. Saya tidak begitu suka menghiperbolakan suatu hal, istilah gaulnya : Jadi Kompor. Nah, permasalahannya, banyak yang berkata bahwa orang Indonesia kurang inspirasi. Bisanya menjiplak. Nah, kenapa orang di luar negeri, kita ambil contoh Amerika : Remaja berusia 14 tahun sudah bisa menciptakan lagu yang luar biasa indahnya? Banyak yang comment seperti itu. Nah, bagaimana caranya agar para pecinta musik di Indonesia, bisa membuat para masyarakatnya tertarik untuk melihat dan menganggap mereka bukan plagiat? 

    Baiklah. Saya akhiri postingan saya kali ini. Tetapi sebelumnya, saya tidak bermaksud untuk menasihati. Saya hanya ingin mengeluarkan pendapat saya melalui menulis saja. I'm not trying to criticize or advise you, I'm not a professional one, and I'm just 14. No offense :D

    Oke, sampai jumpa semuanya! haha :D All d best :D See ya!

    Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

    Things We Should Care About (World AIDS's Day)

    Okay. I can't believe that it's 3rd December already. We have passed November. Some people had celebrated the Thanks Giving Day, and we had the Harry Potter on 19th of November. And now, we didn't realize that time goes by so fast. We will be having Christmas soon, and with or without even realizing it, New Year will be coming. I think 2010 had just come, but 2011 will be coming soon! 

    I'm so excited because finally, I can do blogging. I have studied for the exam and I got so tired. I slept at 12 or might be 1 a.m just for studying! It has been such a long time for me, though.

    Alright. Talking about December, I remembered the time when my school celebrated that day on the 1st December. This is the last year I study at the Junior High, and I'll be going to the Senior High on a half year later. Not only our school, but also people around the world celebrate that day. 

    So, when my sisters and I arrived at school, the teachers put the red ribbon on our vests. That little red brown is a symbol for both drug prevention and for the fight against AIDS. All of the teachers, students, securities, even the food sellers in school were ordered to put that symbol on their clothes. 

    According to Wikipedia, HIV Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).[1][2][3]opportunistic infections and tumors. HIV is transmitted through direct contact of a mucous membrane or the bloodstream with a bodily fluid containing HIV, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, preseminal fluid, and breast milk.[4][5] This transmission can involve anal, vaginal or oral sex, blood transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, exchange between mother and baby during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding This condition progressively reduces the effectiveness of the immune system and leaves individuals susceptible to or other exposure to one of the above bodily fluids.

    First of all, why do I get concerned with that day? Because, it's the time for us to realize, to open our mind. Not only prevent it, but also try to see those people who are diagnosed with AIDS. We all know that HIV is a pandemic. I do respect the people who get AIDS, but no... I don't respect all the people who underestimate people who get AIDS. We have to know that we are all humans, and all we have to do to help, is to motivate them. Usually people who underestimate them, are the people who can't understand about others' feelings. Okay, let's say that what will it be, when you become like them? Will you get hurt? And yes, you will.

    Over 90 million people in the world are died by AIDS. I know what they feel, and I bet every person doesn't want to get that virus. Don't ignore them. All we have to do is to respect and love them, cause they are all want to be respected. They are also human. You don't have to differentiate them with others, cause there ISN'T any difference.
    No more yelling, no more people dying. Stay aware and yes, together, we can make a difference.